Teacher Resources
The Water Passport - booklet of hands-on activities (download here!)
- The Water Passport is a series of hands-on lessons for 4th-6th grades to teach the basics of water resources and groundwater
- WRD staff can bring the passport to your school or can train teachers to use the passport

Free Teacher Workshops!!
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Workshops
- Project WET activities engage students with hands-on water science lessons
- Workshops are free and attendees leave with the full Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide
- Workshops include a tour of a water treatment or groundwater recharge facility
WRD Educator Open House.pdf
Join us for a fun and informative virtual Open House to learn about WRD’s FREE resources for your classroom.
• Careers in the Water Industry
• Annual Calendar Contest
• Water Nerd Certificate
• Fieldtrips and much more!
To register for the Educator's Open House click here

Eco-Gardener Workshops
- Hands-on lessons on CA native and low-water usage gardening
If you are interested in learning more about Eco-gardening, please visit our Eco-Gardener page here