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Other Reports

This page contains miscellaneous WRD reports.

Groundwater Basins Master Plan (2016) 

The District, in coordination with other basin stakeholders, developed the Groundwater Basins Master Plan (GBMP). The intent of the plan is to provide a single reference document for parties operating within and maintaining the West Coast and Central groundwater basins. The GBMP complements the efforts of WRD’s Water Independence Now (WIN) program by identifying projects and programs to enhance basin replenishment, increase reliability of groundwater resources, improve and protect groundwater quality, and ensure that the groundwater supplies are suitable for beneficial uses. 

Document download links:

Groundwater Basins Master Plan, 2016.pdfGroundwater Basins Master Plan, Program Environmental Impact Report, 2016.pdfDraft Program Environmental Impact Report, 2015.pdfDraft Program Environmental Impact Report Appendices, 2015.pdf
Salt Nutrient Management Plan, 2015.pdfSativa Well #5 Initial Study - Mitigated Negative Declaration - Administrative Draft.pdfSW Capture LAR White Paper (April-25-2022).pdf