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Evan Lue

Position: Manager of Data and Technology Services
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Evan joined WRD's Data and Technology Services (DTS) department in 2018. He is responsible for coordinating cross-functional DTS staff in the implementation and administration of technology products and services, such as the District's enterprise systems, web properties, and data hubs. The department is responsible for information technology (IT) and security and also collaborates closely with District engineers and operators to maintain its operational technology (OT) systems.

Additionally, the District's Geographic Information System (GIS) is housed within the DTS department. Prior to joining WRD, Evan worked in GIS in the private, non-profit, and education sectors. He holds a BS in Environmental Sciences from UC Berkeley, a Master of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) from the Bren School at UC Santa Barbara, and a PhD in Geography from USC with a focus on GIS.